Reading about the royals makes me even more excited for my upcoming trip to England next week! I too am curious to see if H + M use this relatively quiet period from the royals to make a big splash about something.

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Have a wonderful time 💐

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I'm holding on to some hope that she might make a brief appearance on the balcony, although I can't blame her if she doesn't since everyone will be so hyper focused on her appearance. I hope the children will attend though and I would love to see the cousins and their families on the balcony. The balcony looks so much better when it's bursting with

family rather than just the working royals. As for Harry and Meghan, they must be feeling pretty good about their tour. It was well received by the Nigerians and unpopular opinion but I do think it was successful. There are some reports that Ghana is thinking of inviting them, guess we will have to wait and see.

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Agree! I’m holding out so much home for a quick pop out on the balcony but I completely understand if she doesn’t. The balcony will look so bare if it’s just working royals

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I am thinking that the first appearance by the Princess of Wales after such a long (and much-needed) break is going to be a difficult one to choose. For instance, she might want to appear at the wedding next week of the Duke of Westminster but knows that it would take far too much attention away from the bride and the event itself. (In much the same way as she is known for wearing repeats of her outfits when attending weddings, so she's not making unnecessary "news".) She can't attend any D-Day commemorations for the exact same reason. That said, I think that appearing on the balcony for Trooping the Color might be the way to go if at all possible, as everyone would know it was being done to honor the King. Then, perhaps (probably not, but a girl can dream....) she could start making occasional appearances at her various patronages without her very presence causing an uproar. It will be a happy day when she's back on the scene.

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I agree with other comments that having been away so long now, Kate’s first public reappearance is going to be such a big deal that she has to choose it carefully. I wonder if Wimbledon might be a good opportunity?

I also wonder if, given her advertised absence, we will still see the children at the Trooping? Presumably William will be on horseback with Anne, the King and Queen will be in a carriage together, so who might sit with the children in their carriage? I really hope no Kate doesn’t also mean no children!

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Like William not attending the memorial service, the kids not at the Trooping will unleash a whole new avalanche of conspiracy theories. I am expecting the kids in the second carriage with Sophie (maybe also Louise) since Edward is also on horseback.

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It doesn’t happen often but I am going to differ from you. The palace did not confirm that Kate will not be at any of the weekends events. They only confirmed she will not be taking the salute at the Colonel’s review - which make a lot of sense since it involve standing for a couple of hours.

I suspect Kate is seriously considering appearing on the balcony depending on how she feel on the day.

It is a very short and low intensity appearance - they could be wearing pajama bottoms on the balcony for all we know - that doesn’t include any interaction with the public but most importantly it will quite the conspiracy theories for another couple of months.

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I agree - a few minutes standing on the balcony would stave off the conspirators for a bit longer.

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Well, the early report was both that she wouldn’t be at the review and she would miss Trooping. Now there is a suggestion circulating that she might appear on the balcony, which would be wonderful. The early report she wouldn’t be at Trooping might have meant the carriage procession, or it might have been wrong. But it was the initial report across the outlets.

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I agree with others, a balcony appearance at the Trooping of the Colour by Kate seems like a good way to be seen in public if her recovery is going well. Rather than taking attention away from the King and Queen, it would be seen as supporting them and the institution as a whole. I fully support her having the time she needs to recover but occasional outings in public would, I think, help ease her back and make future outings much easier.

There’s a big article in the Times about moving Andrew from Royal Lodge and I must say, I’m undecided. I’ m no fan of Andrew’s and I think he could be doing better to rehabilitate himself with some proper charitable work or low key projects. Removing him from the Lodge, seems odd though. The Royal Family has a surfeit of properties - Charles in particular has homes galore - and surely its best that they are lived in full time rather than becoming preserved in aspic waiting for a senior royal to turn up for a few weeks a year. Who would live there if Andrew didn’t? William and Kate? - but they have homes already and the Kensington Palace pad is standing pretty much unused. Let it out in the commercial market? Vast sums of rental income but who knows what undesirables could move in and embarrass the neighbours in the castle down the road.

This is the problem with a slimmed-down monarchy. The balcony appearances look empty and dowdy, houses become empty and run-down. William’s garden party with the cousins in prominent supporting roles is prefereble. Bring in the younger ones, let them earn decent incomes whilst supporting the monarchy and in return, let them live in the royal houses. Edoardo in particular would be a fabulous custodian to bring some of the properties into the 21st century.

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From what I understand it is not the property itself that is the issue but the 3 million per year in security cost that the Queen used to pay. Unlike Frogmore or Adalaide Cottage, Royal Lodge falls outside the castle’s security cordon. So the Queen used to pay for private security for Royal Lodge and Charles has continued that up to now. But the question will be why Charles would continue to foot the bill for his brother’s (who is also not a working royal) private security , when he was not willing to foot the bill for his son’s security.

Andrew basically has the choice to either give up the house or the security.

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I think there is also the simple question of the upkeep of Royal Lodge which is huge. To honor the lease, Prince Andrew must spend tens of thousands every year on the general maintenance and apparently, King Charles knows full well that his brother does not have the sufficient resources. I read that Royal Lodge would be for the Waleses who would then vacate Adelaide Cottage. Maybe Prince Andrew could have it?

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