I def believe she will run for President.

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Too many disclosures of personal finances are required when running for national office, and I doubt she'd be content with less.

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Not a chance. Field is just too crowded.

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I’m trying to wrap my head around their titles not being taken away if she actually follows through with running for some elected office…she’s clearly crossed the line, what are they waiting on? What’s will the final straw be?

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I actually don't think she will run for office.. as I mentioned in my other comment, I think she is trying to carve out a position, or role, just like the one she had briefly as a working royal - except she will get to make all the rules and decisions, and not attend any boring events.

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Someone with a better knowledge of the Constitution than mine would have to clarify, but I think she would have to officially renounce her title to run for federal office. Again, I might be wrong about that

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She would have to renounce center title - and that’s all she’s got.

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Like you I don’t have knowledge on this but I don’t think it’s her title to renounce. It’s Harry’s. I wonder if he is willing to give up his most important connection to the BRF and UK? From what I can tell most of their money making projects for Archwell rest on those titles.

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Harry’s not giving up his title. That’s the ballgame. 🇬🇧👑🥂

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That’s interesting. Because it’s her title through marriage and not birth, that might make a difference. Do we have any lawyers on the thread?

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Jane’s a lawyer :)

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I should have known that. Thanks! 😉

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I think you are right. She wants attention and wouldn't be able to handle the criticism. I would be wary of someone in the White House who felt suicidal just by the pressures the Royal Family brought. She is too fragile to run for office or she is just a manipulative liar. You can't have it both ways.

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She’s ultra sensitive, different from fragile because she is steely when it suits her. With people who are weaker than her, her family, some of her aides . . . perhaps even Harry. Charles is reputed to have called her tungsten. I don’t think she tells the universal truth, just “her” truth in the Meghan World.

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It has always been my feeling that she will not run for office. If she and Harry crave privacy and good press she won’t be able to handle it. And, no matter what you feel about politicians, they work hard to raise money, run and then they have to show up! She doesn’t stick with anything.

Meghan wants to be an influencer.

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I agree that regardless of how you feel about politicians, they work hard to raise money and they show up day after day to campaign. What ever happened to the podcast they were going to do? Or her 40 x 40 birthday project? Or, the list goes on. I can't imagine her having enough grit to campaign and not fall apart at the criticism that will be lobbed at her.

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Well said Maggie—Meghan wants to be an influencer, someone that people call up for a few good quotes, maybe an opinion piece now again.

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Yes, hopping from trendy topic to trendy topic, looking for PR and photo-ops, does not make you an activist. An actual activist will dedicate years to one cause, often times working hard behind the scenes with no photo-ops. What I see, is someone who jumps on anything controversial and trending at the moment, so her PR team can push out statements and pictures, in an attempt to appear influential.

Meghan continuing to use her royal title, so graciously given to her by the RF/UK, and then smearing them on Oprah does not sit well with many in the U.S. We wonder what she gave back to her in-laws for the honor of that title? Does she not feel any sense of duty to the RF or the people of UK for the title of Duchess? To me, using a royal title means you are representing the UK or RF.. am I wrong? She is exploiting her royal title to promote her Liberal political agenda and some find it disturbing.

It seems like Meghan is trying to create the same kind of 'position' that she had in her short time as a working royal, but in the US - where she doesn't have to follow any rules or protocols and she gets to make all the decisions. Did she think a quick jump on the 'victimhood' bandwagon through an Oprah interview would guarantee a platform of some kind over here? When is the UK/RF going to pull her royal title?

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I agree with everything you’ve said. She jumps on causes and then tries to spin it as though she’s had some kind of influence when really all she did was a photo op. And I absolutely agree about using her title, a gift from a foreign head of state. It’s not even relevant in the US, and it’s disingenuous to try to wield influence over American citizens by using it.

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100% agree with all you said. Couldn’t have said it better.

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Meghan will never run. Having been involved in several political campaigns, it is a tough, tough gig — and you have to interact w people from ALL walks of life… (somehow I don’t see MM shaking hands during the shift change at the factory at 6:00am — as JFK did when running for President).

Amal C works FULL TIME as a human rights lawyer (in some very dicey situations). Yes, she is glamorous and George C’s wife… but she is trained, and she does the work. She really does.

MM, not so much.

(Also, to put her anywhere NEAR the same level of Gloria Steinem. Ridiculous.)

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Easy to publish carefully crafted statements I think in a real political debate with intelligent adversaries Meghan would be eaten alive

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Her political opponents would put her half sister and brother (AND THE DAD!) on the payroll and have them trail MM across the country from one end to the next. (For starters)

If the media and right wing could troll the Obamas (who have essentially led a blameless life), I can’t fathom what they’d do to MM and the Brit.

Also, do you think the American public has any stomach to listen to a member of the BRF and a fourth rate cable actress (I mean, it’s not as if she’s Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn) lecture us on ANYTHING?

I also think MM is thin skinned (and has trouble keeping staffers), can you imagine Hannity and FOX going after her day after day? It might be entertaining for us, but rough on them.

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Yes, I think we can put MM's running for anything apart from (maybe) School Superintendent to bed. But I do think we are going to continue to read (or at least come across) articles in her favorite magazines--Town & Country, Marie Claire, probably still Vogue, as well as the dreaded UK tabloids--for several years to come. And they will tease her "political ambitions" and, like the people who sigh about the tremendous waste that happened when she left the UK, there will be people who say she's just what the US needs. God help us.

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All of this is on point, Valerie.

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In my opinion even the vogue interview showed the huge difference between political activism and Meghan... Meghan said nothing of substance, just motivational bullshit and buzzwords. I didn't understand how is she the perfect person to put roe w wade into context to begin with.

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She's not and Steinham and the reporter who interviewed them knows it as well. She's there for the publicity. If it were an interview with just Steinham the interview wouldn't have been plastered all over the media, perhaps Vogue wouldn't have been interested in publishing it either.

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H & M’s actions are causing me to respect the RF less. The RF need to stand up and take away the HRH. I was pleased with the handling of HM during the jubilee.

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I too was pleased with the handling of HM during the jubilee and the 'shut-out' of the Sussexes; and I completely agree that the RF needs to take away their titles - all of them; I think the handling of the Jubilee was a precursor for future actions but in a very thoughtful, calculated way. I believe the hesitancy to take away titles is due to sensitivity and respect towards the Queen's feeling about wanting to leave a door open for Harry, but think that as time passes and the Queen sees first hand, she is slowly easing into what will be a difficult decision, but a necessary one. Slowly with the recent announcement regarding changes in HM's roles, the monarchy is clearly going through a restructuring to make way for its future, and I feel there is movement to ensure there are no back doors or loopholes. One such move that should be dealt with immediately is the issue of "counsellors of state" which was evidenced by the opening of Parliament. Clearly some of these decisions go beyond the family and are decisions of state importance. The PR of taking away their titles will have some ripple effect, and its something that Prince Charles and Prince William need to live with, and while I don't respect the RF 'less', I certainly do feel that they err on the side of caution a bit too much, it definitely is time to cauterize this wound once and for all. If Jubilee showed anything, its that the Queen's family, who have remained loyal, clearly stepped up for her and on her behalf, there should be some rethinking of some members roles.

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I’ve always thought that the RF wouldn’t want to open the can of worms that would result if they started taking away titles. Prince Andrew is far more deserving to have his title removed, should the RF decide to go this route, but again, I don’t think they want to do this.

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That is probably the crux of the situation, maybe they don't want to do that, after all we are talking about family members, and it's probably the reason for the hesitancy, nobody wants the repercussions. But this media circus and dance that is played each time Harry and Meghan come back to Britain, or seek headlines is, in my opinion, very damaging and eroding the credibility of the royal family. So there are PR strikes on either side of the argument. As for Meghan though and the question at hand, I don't feel she will run for politics because that would be a very deciding factor on whether or not she retains her title, she can't have a life of politics and royal status from another country. She won't make that decision, she couldn't be the victim then. So for that reason, do not believe she will run but continue to ride the coattails of others before her as well as her royal status.

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Chasing headlines instead of making them. That sums them up beautifully. The thing in the Vogue article that looked like PR fluff was the author saying she called “THE two people …” (emphasis is mine). If she had dropped the word “the” no one would have noticed. But you mean to tell me that off all the people in the author’s phone contacts, the only two to speak on this issue with authority are these two? Bull pucky, as Rachel Maddow would say. The word “the” singles them out on the same plane. Steinem has earned it; Meghan is still striving for it.

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speaking of PR fluff pieces, anyone know how much it costs Harry and Meghan to push out that stuff to US magazine, E, and the others? Clearly they are paying them. Also, the paid accounts on twitter, no way those are real people. I have zero background in PR, but I am assuming that must cost as well. Considering all the PR costs for this "I am an activist/influencer" campaign, plus the cost of the Montecito mansion, California taxes, security... etc... will they be able to maintain living in California? Could all of this be a desperate attempt at creating netflix content for their reality series?

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They pay their PR people to get favourable stories out in the press not the outlet itself. The outlet prints it because it gets substantial clicks.The more traffic and clicks the outlet gets the more they get from advertisers. That's how the outlet makes its money.

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I just do not see an HRH or a Duchess winning a political office in the United States. I love the royals but I don’t think that would work.

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She won’t run for elective office because of campaign disclosure laws. She would have to report every dime she received from the moment she formed an exploratory committee. This is spin to keep her in the conversation, without having to actually declare or renounce her title, which she still uses, along with the coronet on her stationery.

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To me she wants attention and stardom without much work. Look how long it has taken to get something done for the Netflix deal. Both she and Harry do not appear to the brightest or most intelligent persons

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Meghan's recent behavior pattern when dealing with conflict consists of whining about mistreatment and then litigating, which won't serve her well in the political arena. She would tire quickly of all the photo-op free scut work required to actually do the job once elected, and it would cut in to the time she spends now with her young children. She would also have to deal with a staff who have the freedom to complain to the US media when they are mistreated. And her schedule would be determined by the legislative calendar, limiting those private jet getaways. I think she's angling for something appointed for now, if the media attention isn't enough.

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Run for political office? No, not even close. For all the reasons you’ve outlined in your newsletter Jane. Just looking at the bloodbath that is this year’s primaries, she wouldn’t last the nomination process.

RoseUSA said it—Meghan is desperate for content for the deals she has made and doesn’t she have a kind of automatic “in” with Vogue? So much easier to be interviewed for a short piece in a friendly magazine than to create the kind of content that I think was expected from Meghan and Harry over the past two years.

It’s interesting she allied herself with Gloria Steinem and not Michelle Obama. Did Michelle not take her calls? Steinem doesn’t exactly speak for today’s women who are affected by the abortion decision. She is older than I am (I am 70) and of course should be honored for the work she did with Bella Abzug, Betty Friedan et al. I haven’t seen or heard of her on the frontline for a long time though. So I am perplexed by the writer of the piece immediately thinking that these two were THE women to call. Steinem perhaps for historical perspective. But Meghan?

An Australian tabloid magazine (Heat) as opined that Harry is less than thrilled with the new notoriety. And I really wonder if—despite the dubious provenance—that piece of news hasn’t got some truth to it. If he is honest about how much he craves an ordinary (wealthy of course) life, what Meghan is starting up now is far from ordinary. Political activism is a big leap from low-key philanthropy. H & M are not the Obamas, where both had strong political backgrounds. Nor are they the Clooneys, again both strong-minded, well-versed in US and world politics. She may be trying to model herself on Oprah but she has no real empathy/staying power when it comes to causes as you point out Jane (and others in the Comments section too.) And that may also be the rub—the field of famous women speaking out is quite crowded now, more crowded than in Steinem’s heyday or even Oprah’s. Meghan is going to have to put in a LOT of work to become as influential as they. And I think it will mean leaving off the “Duchess of Sussex” title and maybe leaving off Harry as well. Because I doubt he will be able to keep up. Or will even want to.

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My view is that Meghan lacks the underlying ability to make a substantive contribution to anything. All the women she tries to emulate are highly intelligent talented people with years of hard challenging experience behind them.

Meghan is nowhere near this.

She seems to regurgitate other peoples ideas rather than create new insight .

I think her lack of insight into her own limitations is behind her history of not delivering on promises. She would be better to set more realistic goals for herself.

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The Duchess of Sussex jumps on any bandwagon passing by. Still using her title from an institution that caused her to become "suicidal". She & Mr. Markle continue to go nowhere fast. They don't have the stamina to run for office. They couldn't even get a podcast out on a regular basis.

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“ That will result in her perpetually chasing the headlines but never making them.”

I couldn’t agree more.

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